Over a year in the making…. holy s***


I’m not gonna lie to you here, I have no idea what I’m about to type just now in all honesty but today I’ve been feeling kinda weird. Those closest to me have picked up on this too. I’m not sure how to feel about it. I have come to the realisation that I have absolutely no idea what I am doing with my life. I catch myself comparing myself to other people andddd… before you say it, I know, that’s the worst thing that you can do, I get that. But seriously, some of my friends have their own houses, mortgages to pay, bills, RESPONSIBILITY (That’s a scary word right?!). Others are at uni, having the time of their life and living life to the fullest.

Then there’s me, a little spec on this ball of rock we call our planet just bobbin along, uncertain of everything. Absolutely no idea what I’m doing with my life. A lots changed and its great! *lets off party popper*, *POOF* (Inner 5 year old me is momentarily unleashed). Change is kind of scary though isn’t it? Should we be scared or should we roll with it…. the unknown that we call ‘the future’. Part of me wants to pack my bags and disappear for a little bit. Go away and explore cool stuff! Another side of me tells me to sort my life out, get a proper job and pick up those scary things we named ‘RESPONSIBILITIES’. Be an adult and do adulty things cos I’m an adult.

Butttt… 1 thing I know for sure, I can’t do any of that here. I moved back to my naff little home town after university and I decided 4 years ago that I couldn’t live the rest of my life here. So I guess I do know one thing and that’s to get away. But where to go? Where do I want to start my adventure that I call my life? I would love to be able to just tell myself to throw a dart at a map and go wherever it landed but is it really that easy? I don’t know. I tell everybody else that it is. I give others life advice like, ‘do what makes you happy’, ‘don’t let others hold you back or stop you from achieving what you want’ and ‘you have the whole of your life to do what makes you happy’. Then it comes to my own life and I wanna shrivel up inside myself and come back out when everything is right.

*Looks around the room despairingly thinking Lord help me!!*

I’m not sure I like my brain at 23.15. It makes me all serious and sensible, a side I don’t see in myself all too often! But there you go. A blog post regarding the unknown, mixed up, confused and entangled thoughts of myself, Ames. Very dull I know, but I felt I needed to turn somewhere and write things down, not to achieve anything, just to talk…. to someone. I praise you if you sat through and read all of that, congrats to you cos I’m just an idiot.

I’m done.

Goodnight world!


52 Week Blog Challenge: Meet my best friend!

Hey again guys. So recently I have seen several people taking part in the ’52 Week Blog Post Challenge’. I thought I would give it a shot so i will be posting every Wednesday evening. Also thanks to Britts Daily Dose and Sit Back And Just Live!… You can take part too by including the following banner…  and adding links to their blog in your post. So lets jump straight in.

My best friends name is Marc. He’s my best bud, partner in crime and drinking buddy. Where would I be without him?!

Where/ How did you first meet? We met in secondary school. Our science teacher stuck us together for our class seating plan. I remember the first few lesson we were both awkward. Who was going to break first and speak?! Who knows who did but it lead us to a journey of great friendship and we’re still going strong! *wahey*

What does he do for a living? Hmm, some form of customer administrator? Basically he does something which I’m not too sure of because it all sounds a bit technical. But hey he learned German to speak over the phone to other clients/people. Something like that.

Do you have a favourite school memory? Science, Bunsen burners. Stupidity…  they all add up to good memories. We tipped chemicals into the flame because, well, that’s what cool kids did back in the day! Threw some shards of splints in there too. Between us we managed to create green and purple flames whilst almost setting light to some cupboards. I highly don’t recommend this whatsoever. Stay safe.

Have you travelled anywhere together? Only to London and Cambridge really. I bought him tickets to a gig in Brixton for his birthday cos I’m nice like that 🙂 We also went to see Russell Howard several years ago and Milton Jones in Cambridge.

What is he like as a person? Although he’s small in size, he has such a massive heart and would put everybody and anybody before himself. If you ever need anything, nothing is ever too much. He has a heart of gold and has been a guiding light for me whenever I’ve needed him (Yes that does include 3am in the morning!) Basically, the most thoughtful, kind and generous person you could ever meet.

The funniest moment of your friendship?  How is this question even allowed? I cant pick out one singular moment! There’s a whole bunch. He makes me laugh every time I see him and that’s all I could wish for in a friendship.

What do you love most about him? The fact he is such an old man! I swear inside he is about 85 years old but that’s always what I’ve known! 

We can go weeks or even months without seeing each other, yet every time we do it’s like we saw each other yesterday. Marc, I’m sorry if you’re reading this buddy. I hope you didn’t cringe too much. Just wanna say thank you for being there and for always being you ❤


Ill leave it here with a charming photo!


Managing the stresses of life!

Hey guys. Its been a while! Hope you are all okay and doing well.

Previously, I have written about less serious, menial topics, to fill my spare time. However, today I wanted to take the time to write about the ways in which we can reduce and deal with the stresses of life, which we all encounter at some point. It has become really apparent to me as I have had my fair share of struggles recently, that managing it is super important to maintain both a healthy lifestyle and brain! People overlook issues and ‘pie off’ problems by using the phrase ‘I’m fine’. This is all well and good but over time, you begin to really not be ‘just fine’ which can lead to both physical and mental illness. A certain amount of stress is important as it may give you a target to work towards, in order to gain a sense of achievement. However, know your personal limits! I in no way claim that I am an expert, but these have worked for me! I hope some, or even just one of these ideas can help to keep you on a stable path of stresslessness!

Sleep: Sleep is really important to keeping yourself healthy. I know that if you are stressed, it can lead to no sleep which is ultimately a vicious cycle. However, 7 hours of solid sleep a day is a necessity to keeping us normal functioning human beings! Sleep allows for our bodies to rest and repair, ultimately allowing us to perform at our best the following day. Make sure you rack up those zzz’s!

Keeping yourself organised: Being a University student, I know how important it is to keep yourself organised! Ways in which you can do this is by writing ‘to do lists’ in order of priority, getting yourself a wipeboard to keep track of things you may need to do and keeping a diary, in order to manage your time effectively and keep on track of everything you have scheduled.

Physical Activity: I cant write a lot on this because I am the least sporty person on this planet. However, if you are into sport and it is something which you enjoy, take yourself away for a scheduled amount of time per week to engage in physical activity. Or, if you are somebody like me, take a walk. Taking half an hour out of your day to walk will help! Trust me! It can even be incorporated into your daily life by walking to the shop instead of taking the car 🙂

Limitations: I know its all grown up and considered boringgg sometimes, but we have to set our limits and know our boundaries. Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine… None of these help when we’re stressed. It may seem like it at the time, but things like caffeine increase cortisol levels in our bodies. I wont go all sciencey, but in short, its a stress hormone which if too great, can lead to bad things. Be responsible!

There is a whole load of other things which we can do in order to reduce our levels of stress and maintain a healthy balance but I don’t want to bore you with a list of 15 different things. Therefore, I will round this post up here and bid you farewell for now! I hope this post is of use to some of you. Stay healthy and I will catch you all soon 🙂